Submitted by Tamara on Sat, 10/15/2005 - 23:11.
I don't see any Events posted for this Saturday the 15th, so I am posting one. Normally events are created by Maior or Raytien or Bexb but all these fine folks are innocent of this one! LoL!
Promyvion Empty Notorious Monster Fight (ENM) at 7:00PM Pacific this Saturday the 15th, meet in Ru'Lude Gardens (Jeuno), by Venessa. Fight is being led by Tamara, if we have a Ranger the Ranger may be the actual pathfinder around the floating islands (some prefer to call the islands 'floors') while I will remain overall party leader. Our Alliance will be fighting the DEM ENM.
Some in the Clan noticed a group of us were doing an ENM (much like a BCNM) earlier this week and I mentioned they could form their own ENM party if they wished. I got the impression some felt I was joking. Ha! =^_^=
The 'event' described here is a pick-up event to demonstrate how easy it can be to form your own ENM. For BCNM's you have to get the proper Orb in Lower Jueno, for ENM fights you have to get the proper Censer from Venessa in Ru'Lude Gardens (Censer of Antipathy for Dem ENM). Orbs are items, Censers are Key Items. I do not desire you informing me in advance you will be present for this ENM - just show up in the Gardens by Venessa. This is a pick-up ENM for Clan of the Angry Monkey and Lights Templar. If we have fewer than six participants I will cancel.
Promyvion ENM Fights do not make use of Anima, ENM Fights do not make use of 2hr abilities, ENM Fights make use of:
Yagudo Drink, and
Pamama au Lait, and
Food (to boost damage output) and
(optionally) Potions.
ENM White Mages also HAVE to use ReRaise Earrings (sold at Jeuno AH). This is mandatory since it is possible to die in an ENM fight (no experience lost at death). If party members die in the ENM then the WHM ReRaises herself inside, recovers MP, and then after everyone else has been Raised (and ONLY then) will anyone touch the Glowing Light Orb which bestows the 18,000 Experience upon the party.
There is always a possibility of Deathga for the entire Alliance on Floating Island Four (the Isle of Deathga). Such an occurence will likely add an hour to the expedition while mages raise folks; death on floating islands do cause experience loss.
ENM Rewards are:
the rarely-dropped Visions and
18,000 Experience DIVIDED across number of party members.
Six Party ENM fights mean 3,000 Experience each person. Visions are converted into Earrings by Venessa and the Earrings count (per typical Garrison Rules) as Group Loot. I will be selling any ENM acquired Earrings on a mule I have in Jeuno and dividing the proceeds across the Alliance. For this Event, and this Event only, I will be treating ANY Vision dropped as Group Loot across all in the Group.
Thirteen folks show up for the ENM
One party of six fights the ENM
One alliance party of seven fights the ENM
Party of six gets a Vision drop.
The Vision goes to Venessa for an earring, the earring goes to Tamara to sell as Group Loot, the gil is spread across the entire Group of thirteen. Just like in Garrison. There is no Group Loot on Cluster drops because Clusters have such low gil value (10000 gil). Cluster Drops are lotted for.
To clarify - for the size of the ENM Alliance:
If we have less than six folks in Jeuno I cancel the ENM at 7:20PM Pacific
If we have more than six folks we fight the ENM as an Alliance (less experience granted per person)
If we have more than eleven folks we fight as one Party of six and a second fight as Alliance of six, seven, etc.
For this pickup ENM meet by Venessa at 7PM Pacific (8PM Mountain, 9PM Central, 10PM Eastern) on October the 15th. I will be teleporting to the Crag starting at 7:20PM Pacific. We will head inside the CoP Crag at approximately 7:35PM Pacific. Since I want to move this along we will not be waiting for stragglers - be at Ru'Lude Gardens before 7:20PM Pacific if you want to fight the DEM ENM. No six folks at Venessa at 7:20 PM Pacific I cancel the entire event. If you show up in Ru'Lude Gardens at 7:30PM Pacific there is a very high probability you will enjoy the sights of Jeuno while listening to others enjoying the actual event.
Please do not be late, be at Jeuno before 7:20PM Pacific. The actual start time is 7:00PM Pacific, meaning I will be there and so will others who understand how events are run. The twenty minutes grace period is all I am donating to this event.
Promyvion Spire Boss fights are CoP Missions; this event will not be doing Promyvion Spire Boss Mission fights. This is the repeatable ENM Quest. If you need the Promyvion Spire Boss Mission Fight then you should construct your Mission party in advance of Saturday's ENM run via chat in the LinkShell, your members should farm for Recollections in advance of Saturday, have the Recollections turned into Anima by Harith, and bring along your Anima for Saturday. I am not leading a Promyvion Spire Dem Boss fight - I am just running a DEM ENM. However if the Promyvion Mission Party wants to come along they will be accomodated, I will fit you into the run to the Spire, your members will fight in an ENM fight and then you can go off to fight your Promyvion Mission after all ENM's are completed. The Anima you NEED to defeat a Promyvion Spire Boss are Hysteroanima and Psychoanima. You do not need, nor desire, nor want Terroanima. You want both Anima on each of your Mission party members.
If there is a Promyvion Mission Party tagging along then I will discuss Strategy and ENM composition inside the Spire Hall - some of you will continue on to your DEM Spire Boss Mission, others will Exit the Spire after the ENM, others may Teleport out of the Spire with me. Listen to me carefully in the Spire Hall as I do not want anyone stuck behind in the Spire and having to death warp.
Jobs for the ENM Quest - for a Spire Boss Mission Fight the jobs can get rather specific, for an ENM Quest all jobs are welcome. The BST job needs to bring a Tiger Jug (I believe it is Tiger, I have never played BST). BRD is welcome for ENM. You BST's will have to use level 30 jugs.
Bring level 30 equipment. This is a capped event. The Spire Hall is uncapped which is how I can Teleport folks out (if necessary). So, for those who don't know, you are capped for your runs across the floating islands, you become uncapped in the Spire Hall, you are capped for the ENM Quest Fight, you become uncapped in the Spire Hall, you are capped again for the optional Spire Boss Mission Fight. Any Job at level 27 or above will be accepted for this ENM Quest. Please bring some attire worthy of a level 30 fight - don't show up wearing Summer Festival Beach Wear! =~_^=
Once again, on the Anima, you do not need Anima for this ENM. If someone invited you to participate in their Promyvion Mission party then you definitely need to farm both Hysteroanima (Recollection of Pain) and Psychoanima (Recollection of Fear) before Saturday.
This is a dual LinkShell pickup ENM. It is open to members of Clan and of Lights Templar. The mean momma kat organizing this event is Tamara, and Tamara has a problem with the morality of extending an event to where one kitten has to depart to go to bed because another kitten showed up late. =^_^=
Be in Jeuno Gardens, by Venessa, at 7PM Pacific if you desire to participate in this ENM. White Mage leaves the Jeuno Gardens Teleport Station at 7:20PM Pacific, 8:20PM Mountain, 9:20PM Central, 10:20PM Eastern this Saturday. Just like a regular flight I will not be holding the doors open late for folks sprinting through Jeuno. Your ticket states a 7PM Pacific departure for this event and the ticket was free so I feel no quilt leaving foks behind.
Thank-you to those who showed up!
If you have any thoughts on our Sunday Alliance-type ENM DEM fight, with any and all jobs welcome, please leave a comment!
Good Job Everyone!
Experience may have been reduced a little going in with an alliance, but it practically guarantees a win. It's also nice to be able to take non standard promy jobs in. The biggest challenge was simply getting to the spire, lol. I hope we can do this again sometime. -Thersites
Yep, thanks Tam, that was a very successful event :-)
BTW, I figured out something from our experience with the Gorger on the 4th floor last night.... Terroanima is not only useful it's vital for the ascent!
Think about it... what if that Gorger had attacked us with only 6 people? We would have been destroyed. However, if we had Terroanima, we could use it on any aggro on the 4th floor and get away to the zone :-)
In other words, Terroanima can really make the 4th floor a lot easier. If everyone has some, then you can successfully evade as many mobs as you have party members :-)
So, I'm going to start saving the Terroanima recollections again. Simply for avoiding aggro on the 4th floor.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Can't you just use Carbuncle?
I had a level 15 Carbuncle as WHM/SMN and when we were looking at the multiple mobs blocking our path I was debating bringing Carby out and telling him to go keep someone busy while we ran off.
Of course you can use Carby...
But not everyone has Carby... Everyone can have Terro, however.
The unwanted aggro on the 4th floor last night in our static ENM really cemented the fact that Terro is terribly useful in dealing with aggro on the fourth floor. I'm going to be sure to have it from now in the future because of how useful it proved.
The really great thing is, Empties don't link. They simply aggro. So using a Terro on an unwanted aggro wont result in more mobs attacking you (last night we had more mobs, but that was because we got more aggro as we ran to zone).
Terro on the fourth floor will make it much easier to make it to the zone alive. Especially on some of the more complicated 4th floors like Dem and Holla.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Event Postponed 24 Hours
If you went ahead and ran the event without me - fine =^_^=
For me I am postponing this event for 24 hours, when I will attempt to host it AGAIN, because right now I cannot even Log into POL, much less FFXI.
Another Exciting Day in Vana'diel
Oct. 15, 2005 08:00 [PDT]
All Worlds Login Recovery (Oct. 15)
Earlier, FINAL FANTASY XI experienced login difficulties across all worlds due to a continuous DoS attack from anonymous third parties. While the recovery process is now complete, we will continue to monitor the situation and take action as necessary.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
[Date & Time]
Oct. 15, 2005 from 2:15 to 7:16 (PDT)
Login difficulties with FINAL FANTASY XI
Search function and auction house may be unavailable.
[Affected Services]
At this point in time I cannot even get into Vana'diel, much less host an event.
blm or rng
hehe you know im always up for a enm 3k xp is always a nice reward. Of course ill be blm but if a rng is really needed i can log as my bros character. 54rng/27war he has pretty good gear so if ya need me as rng just ask ^^
This is an Experiment
This ENM Run is an Experiment.
Some of us have been going into ENM's and getting a message about 'party of eight beat in 3 minutes 45 seconds' - or something like that. I could not figure out why someone would use eight players to beat the ENM.
Then the bulb came on....
LinkShells are doing this ENM to have Fun and gain Experience for those lower jobs that can really use the experience.
Bring your level 27+ job to Jeuno Gardens which you would prefer to earn 2k to 3k experience and we will sort a party or two out of the gathered mess when the Event comes around. Might actually be fun to club the Dem ENM to pieces with nine White Mage. I bet it could be done, too!
Memory Recepticles might turn into a challenge, but nine folks is nine folks. =^_^=
Anyway this is what I mean by 'pickup' - for this event come to Jeuno Gardens with any job and we will try to pick you up to participate.
If I am free I will come. I will be, of course, a WHM/BLM.
I work in the morning on Saturday, so I'll be free to come on Saturday Night.
And I am Free from Jury Duty because we made the virdict today, I didn't get home untill around 8:30 pm EST because of this. We were stuck in the Jury Room for 5 hours :-( I made $60.00 due to this, but I'm not sure if I will get reembursed from my job, Staples. The full time Associates do but the manager wasn't sure if Part time Associates, aka me, would too. :(
Yes, as I've said lately I'm taking a couple of weeks off from leading up a big thing like this because I desperately need to level. I'd be 70 if it weren't for all the Garrisons, Promy runs, missions, etc I've lead up over the last several months (not that I'm complaining or anything... I just need a break ;-)
So excellent that Tamara is willing to step up and lead an event :-)
Unfortunately, I may not be there for this one. 7PM PST is really late for me and by that time I probably will have already been playing for many many hours. Who knows, though, I may have enough energy to make a quick run :-) Basically... don't count on me, and if you really need me when the time comes we'll talk then.
Also... I apologize for not doing much this last week. I've been relaunching my educational software non-profit group (Tux4Kids) and setting up the developmental server ( which went down recently. In a nutshell... I've been rather busy :-/ After the official relaunch... I'll be around a lot more.
Vis Maior's Journeys