Submitted by Malkier on Wed, 10/19/2005 - 16:10.
I am hopefully going to get RNG to level 10 by Friday. I would like some help getting DRG and SAM so that I have all the jobs, except of course BLM :-)
If I don't have RNG leveled up I will change my plans and post them on the site.
I may have at least one person to help me get SAM already, Golagres offered to help but he says we would need some help with the second NM in the SAM quest. However, I'm not sure if he would help, or is able to help, me get DRG.
I would appreciate any and all help offered.
Both are fairly long quests to complete.
SAM requires killing two bosses, on different continents. DRG requires wandering all over the place and ultimately fighting a wyvern.
For SAM, you will probably need help. DRG, on the other hand, you shouldn't need any help until the wyvern fight itself. My recomendation is to complete everything involved in DRG up to the wyvern fight, and then just get help for that.
For DRG, here is a good thread on doing it. When you get to the Ghelsba Outpost part, I'm sure several folk here would be willing to help. In fact, if I'm not too busy (or I have ample warning) I'd be glad to come. As I recall, there wasn't a level cap on the wyvern fight (which means that if you're 45+ you can probably just solo the wyvern :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Saming it up.
I would follow Sam's information on DRG. You can do all of the DRG flagquest by yourself, just hit-up Allakh for the quest information. Sam is also right about the final Wyvern fight being cap-less. I couldn't get anyone from the Clan to do my fight, so one night while leveling in Sea Serpent's Grotto I just asked my party members if they'd like to help. Trust me, no good player passes up a cool dragon fight. 3 of them threw on their lvl 60-70 gear and headed out with me to beat the Server record. We missed it by 15 seconds, but it was still fun.
As for SAM, I still haven't finished that flagquest. I really haven't attempted to coordinate anyone to do it, though. So I only have myself to blame. Supposedly as a lvl 50 THF I should be able to solo the Forger (lvl 33) in Konschtat Highlands, but I'm being advised to use my NPC. Instead of waisting her I'm sure a couple extra hands would be better. The same goes for the Guardian Treant. Anyway, if you plan to do this quest, I'll hop at the chance to clear the sprig and steel from my inventory. Just message me.
sure thing^^
i need same as well. and i'm an awesome tank so i'll bring my lvl50nin