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Holiday weekends
suck for planning events. When we started this thread, I had completely forgotten about the long weekend. We may be able to sneak one or two in during the week, if not these are pretty easy to get together.
I never understood why holiday weekends were so sucky for people being online... I mean... wtf? You people have lives or something? Gimme a break, we all know that the only thing in the universe is this game.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Suckie Weekend
I'm sorry all, due to some unexpected things that came up around the house I wasn't able to get on this past weekend, Sat. 3 and Sun. 4. I hope I didn't cause any problems for anyone who might have needed me.
I would still like to do my BCNM 30 sometime soon, because I really need the gil.
Date has been updated
On the calendar to Monday the 5th.
Sounds to me like we may have enough for multiple BCNMs.
After tonight (Friday) I wont be on much (except to mule) until Monday. But I have all day Monday to try and earn some money :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
gosta love MT's that make you turn red in the face. lol 'o.~
My new sig
I thought it was the funniest thing in the world... it's my new signature :-)
The thing was, the way they executed that ascent was deplorable. It was insane! They just ran through, aggroing everything thinking they could take one 5 or 6 full IT++'s once they get near the MR (or something, I really don't know what they were thinking). I have screenshots coming soon of the massacre.
The REALLY funny thing was, once we did get to the top, both your team and my team kacked ass... WTF?
Even so... this is my favorite MT ever :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Raytien always willing to make a lil scrill
Ray stands at MNK66 WAR37 RNG35 THF22 SAM20
I am a DD to the core lol. you can grasp my lack of understanding of what is entailed in a mage type job lol highest magic user is SMN10.
Anyways I have my eye recently on 2 BCNM's both RNG RNG BLM setup one 30-Creeping Doom one is 40-Royal Jelly.
I will compare the BCNM 20s vs the 30s and see which ones we are best equipped for. So far this is my understanding of jobs:
Valsery - DRG/RDM
Drifter - SMN/WHM/SAM
Xilldon - BLM/RDM
Malkier - WHM
Meretrix - THF/WAR/NIN
If these are not correct or if you have other jobs available, post them so I can update this**
Updated*** Alright, that makes 6/6 and honestly, a very balanced party. I can find a good fight or two with these jobs, and will even compare 6 man parties against 3 man fights. I will have this information on the website later tonight.
Also, if you have a specific item that you are hunting, research and post the BCNM. If no one has a specific goal in mind, we will go with whatever boss we feel has the best drops.
Any other comments/questions, please let me know.
I really have WHM 20 and RDM 45 so RDM can do most BCNMs and WHM can only do 20s
Don't forget Thersites!
I have RNG59, WAR43, MNK42, THF33, NIN30
Sky Ord
I have a Sky Orb in my MH. I would like to do it sometime as well as others if its ok with everyone. However WHM32 is my highest job, so if you need a WHM please let me join.
I am goin to lvl WHM up some and hopefully get to 40 this Week, might not get it by Saturday becasue of working alot.
Need a WHM?
Heh, we ALWAYS need a WHM :-)
But seriously.. there's plenty... we just need to plan.
And I wont be around much Saturday either. This Saturday is Jessica's day off so we're spending it together.
Vis Maior's Journeys
yea i need money again...i got more seals so i can probly do jobs that i can offer are 43whm, 37smn, 31 sam and uhh i think those are it
BCNMs seems there are alot of people wanting to do BCNMs...I happen to be one of them. I offered to do the one with Maior but I dunno if the do the one that drops the Body. But I dont know if that is a 100% drop. If it is thats all I want. I want to do Charming Trio if no though.
Mannequin parts
Yes, the ones I listed are 100% drops like the one we were doing for mannequin hands.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Ah well then you have your BL
Ah well then you have your BLM for the crab one ><; I can only do one by the way cause I have like 26 Bestman Seals ><:
I'd love to do a BCNM, but weekly events are always too late for me ;;
What time Raven?
Hey Raven, I forget what time you're normally on. Several of the ones I have researched are for 3 pt members anyways, so even if you aren't able to participate in the evening one, we can see who will be on during your hours who could help. We can run an AM/PM event if you'd like.
Work in the evening
I play in the morning. Usually the only people on are mules and a few hardcore players.
So, any weekday morning before noonish MST works for me. Weekends, I sometimes stay up till 3pm MST. Ive tried longer but as Maior will tell you, I am not very good at participating by that point.