Submitted by ravenclaw on Thu, 06/10/2004 - 15:27.
You know, during the week this LS (and the game in general) is pretty dead. But man do things liven up during the weekends.
Okay, so I do tend to play later than most (and, considering I'm in the west, that doesn't help matters much). But I'm yet to even meet face to face many of the more influential clan members I keep hearing about like Crescentia, Valsery, and Fignewton!
What I think we really need to do is all get on the mailing list (Sam, how many people are on it right now?) and see if we can't coordinate a time that we're all on so we can all meet.
Okay, I know, that hasn't really worked for ClanAM proper lately (we've been not having enough people for games there for a couple of months now) but since we have so many more people in ClanAM-FF I'd love to try ;-)
Work and more work
It's true. This week I haven't played at all. I'll play Friday night again, but the rest of the week I've been spending my time writing (I'm behind in my book and publisher is getting restless ;-)
Organizing a time when everone is on will be hard. I agree weekends have more of a turnout. Just stick around most of the weekend and you should meet just about everyone.
As for who is on the mailing list, right now only 3! (You, me, and bomastic ;-) Dunno why people haven't gotten on the mailing list, we actually have around 10 members on the site right now ;-)
Vis Maior's Journeys
Mailing list
I din understand it. heh so how you join the mailing list
I'm on alot! >< LoL I'm bout to log on right now^^ And yes almost every time I'm on Cres is on. Havent seen you on latley Maior.
Yup, been busy writing. I'm a bit behind in my book so I need to play catch up this week. Tho, I will be getting on on Friday.
As for the forums, technically they are there... I just don't know how to make them show up in the forums link above. I'm still learning how to administer Drupal ;-)
In the interim, here is a quickie test forum I made:
Vis Maior's Journeys